- 通貨JPY
- 交換可能金額1 - 10000
- 受取方法
- 取引中にお持ちの交通系ICカード、もしくは対応しているおサイフケータイを読み取りエリアにかざすとチャージが完了します。
- 注意事項
- PiTaPaはご利用いただけません。
カードに設定されているチャージ上限金額にご注意ください。 -
※「Suica」は東日本旅客鉄道株式会社の登録商標です。/ ※「PASMO」は株式会社パスモの登録商標です。/ ※「Kitaca」は北海道旅客鉄道株式会社の登録商標です。/ ※「TOICA」は東海旅客鉄道株式会社の登録商標です。/ ※「manaca」・「マナカ」は株式会社名古屋交通開発機構及び株式会社エムアイシーの登録商標です。/ ※「ICOCA」は西日本旅客鉄道株式会社の登録商標です。/ ※「はやかけん」は福岡市交通局の登録商標です。/ ※「nimoca」は西日本鉄道株式会社の登録商標です。/ ※「SUGOCA」は九州旅客鉄道株式会社の登録商標です。
- 通貨JPY
- 交換可能金額1 - 25000
- 受取方法
- 取引中にお持ちのEdyカード、もしくは対応しているおサイフケータイを読み取りエリアにかざすとチャージが完了します。
- 注意事項
- お持ちのカードに楽天Edyのロゴマークがついているかどうかをご確認ください。楽天Edy機能の付帯していない楽天ポイントカード、楽天クレジットカードはご利用頂けません。
カードに設定されているチャージ上限金額にご注意ください。 -
- 通貨JPY
- 交換可能金額1 - 30000
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されるコードを、Amazon.co.jpにログインして入力することで、Amazonギフト券残高が追加されます。
- 注意事項
- 日本国外のAmazonではお使いになれません。
ご使用にはAmazon.co.jpアカウントが必要です。 -
本プログラムは株式会社ポケットチェンジによる提供です。本プログラムについてのお問い合わせはAmazonではお受けしておりません。株式会社ポケットチェンジ (support@pocket-change.jp)までお願いいたします。
Amazon、Amazon.co.jpおよびそのロゴはAmazon.com, Inc. またはその関連会社の商標です。
- 通貨JPY
- 交換可能金額1 - 29000
- 受取方法
- 取引中にお持ちのWAONカード、もしくは対応しているおサイフケータイを読み取りエリアにかざすとチャージが完了します。
- 注意事項
- WAONチャージ機能のついているカードのみ、ご利用可能です。お持ちのカードの右上、もしくは裏面にWAONのロゴマークがついているかどうかをご確認下さい。WAONポイントカードは、ご利用頂けません。
カードに設定されているチャージ上限金額にご注意ください。 -
- 通貨JPY
- 交換可能金額1 - 30000
- 受取方法
- 取引中にお持ちのnanacoカード、もしくは対応しているおサイフケータイを読み取りエリアにかざすとチャージが完了します。
- 注意事項
- カードに設定されているチャージ上限金額にご注意ください。
Google Play ギフトコード
- 通貨JPY
- 交換可能金額100 - 30000
アプリやゲームをはじめ数百万のアイテムが揃った Google Play なら欲しいものが必ず見つかります。Google Play ギフトコードを手に、無限に楽しめる世界を探検しましょう。人気のゲームや毎日の生活に欠かせないアプリを、手数料なし、有効期限なし、クレジット カードなしで気軽に手に入れることができ、大切な人へのギフトとして最適です。もちろん、自分へのご褒美としても。
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されるギフトコードを Google Play またはplay.google.comで入力してください。
- 注意事項
- 日本の Google Play でのみ使用できます。Google Play ギフトコードは、Android™の公式アプリストアである Google Play で、アプリやゲームなどの購入に使用できます。
利用するには、 Google Play または play.google.com でコードを入力してください。コードに関するその他の要求はすべて詐欺の可能性があります。
詳しくは、play.google.com/giftcardscam をご覧ください。 -
Android 、Google Play は Google LLC の商標です。
- 通貨JPY
- 交換可能金額100 - 30,000
JCBプレモデジタルは、JCB PREMO加盟店のオンラインショッピング・ウェブサイトで利用できるデジタルギフトです。 JCBプレモカードへのバリュー移行により、コンビニエンスストアや百貨店など全国70万店以上のお店でも利用できます。 JCBプレモデジタルの詳細は こちら
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されるコードを読み取り、専用URLにて表示される「カード番号」、「認証番号」を使用し、JCB PREMO加盟店のオンラインショッピング・ウェブサイトでお買い物、またはお持ちのJCBプレモカードへのバリュー移行が可能です。
- 注意事項
- JCBカード、JCBギフトカードの使えるお店とは異なります。JCBプレモカードはコンビニエンスストアなどで購入できます。販売店について詳しくは こちら をご確認ください。
United MileagePlus
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額1 - 150
- 受取方法
- 1. レシートに印字される QR コードを読み取ります。
2. 「マイレージプラス(MileagePlus)」の会員番号、氏名、メールアドレスを入力します。
3. OKを押します。
4. 完了です。48時間以内にご登録のアカウントに内容が反映されます。
Banana Republic
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額10 - 200
アメリカ国内の「Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Athleta」の店舗及びオンラインストアでご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption URL provided and print the resulting page.
Shop online and at checkout, use the code just like you would a regular Gift Card.
Take the printed eGiftCard to a Banana Republic store to redeem for merchandise. -
This Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Athleta eGiftCard is issued by and represents an obligation of DCS. The eGiftCard may be redeemed for merchandise at any Gap brand, Old Navy or Banana Republic or Athleta location, including Outlet and Factory stores. The eGiftCard may also be redeemed online for merchandise at "http://gap.com/", "http://oldnavy.com/", "http://bananarepublic.com/", or "http://athleta.com/". If you return merchandise originally purchased with an eGiftCard, any refund will be issued in the form of a plastic gift card issued by DCS which may be used at any of these stores or online. Any merchandise purchased with an eGiftCard is subject to the applicable store or online return policies. Purchases will be deducted from the amount of this eGiftCard until the value reaches zero. This eGiftCard may not be used or redeemed with certain promotional offers and may not be applied as payment on any account. You may not use an eGiftCard to purchase other eGiftCards. Additional value may be added to this eGiftCard at any Gap, Old Navy or Banana Republic store. Redeemable for cash when the balance is less than $5 or as otherwise required by law. Restricted to use in the USA, Puerto Rico and Canada. Void if resold or transferred for value. By purchasing this eGiftCard, you agree that the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern this Agreement.
Domino's Pizza eGift Card Custom
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額2 - 100
アメリカ国内のDomino's Pizzaで注文時にお使いいただけるギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
Order online at [http://www.dominos.com] and Enter your Gift Card number on the payment page.
Print this page and Bring into the Domino's Pizza location near you and present at time of payment.
Simply provide your eGift Card number as a form of payment. - 注意事項
- アメリカ国外のDomino's Pizzaではお使いになれません。
Usable up to balance only to buy goods or services at participating Domino’s Pizza stores in the U.S. Not redeemable to purchase gift cards. Not redeemable for cash except as required by law. Not a credit or debit card. Safeguard the card. It will not be replaced or replenished if lost, stolen or used without authorization. CARDCO CXXV, Inc. is the card issuer and sole obligor to card owner. CARDCO may delegate its issuer obligations to an assignee, without recourse. If delegated, the assignee, and not CARDCO, will be sole obligor to card owner. Resale by any unlicensed vendor or through any unauthorized channels such as online auctions is prohibited. Purchase, use or acceptance of card constitutes acceptance of these terms. For balance inquiries go to http://www.dominos.com or call 877-250-2278 and for other inquiries visit http://www.dominos.com. Dominos IP Holder LLC. Dominos®, Domino’s Pizza® and the modular logo are trademarks of Domino’s IP Holder LLC.
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額5 - 200
アメリカのフードデリバリーサービス「DoorDash」でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Create an account or sign in to the DoorDash app or on http://doordash.com
Navigate to Account > Gift Card and enter your gift card PIN. -
This DoorDash gift card can be redeemed only for eligible orders placed on "http://www.doordash.com" or in the DoorDash app in the U.S. Must have a valid DoorDash account to redeem. Cannot be resold or returned or exchanged for cash unless required by law. Does not expire or deduct fees. Not valid until purchased and activated. Not replaceable if lost, stolen, or damaged. All redemptions are final. Use of this card constitutes acceptance of its terms and conditions. For full terms and conditions (including arbitration agreement and class action waiver), which are subject to change, please visit "https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?locale=en-US®ion=US&type=cx-giftcard-terms". Card is issued by and solely an obligation of DoorDash Giftcards LLC. Questions Call us: 855-431-0459.
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額3 - 150
アメリカ国内のドーナツチェーン「Dunkin'」でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption Link provided and enter security code.
The resulting landing page will contain E-Gift Card number as well as instructions for redeeming your card. - 注意事項
- The Dunkin Donuts trademarks/trade dress are owned by DD IP Holder LLC and used under license. Dunkin Donuts is not a sponsor of this promotion.
Card good only toward purchase of Dunkin’ products at participating US Dunkin’ locations. No expiration date or management fees. The purchase and/or reload of a Dunkin’ Gift Card with another Dunkin’ Gift Card is prohibited. Card value may not be redeemed for cash, check or credit, unless required by law. Use of card constitutes acceptance of Dunkin’ Terms of Use (including Agreement to Arbitrate), available at "http://www.DunkinDonuts.com". We are not responsible for lost or stolen cards unless registered online. Replacement card for lost or stolen registered cards issued for remaining balance reflected in our records at time reported lost or stolen. This card may not be resold by any unauthorized vendors. Unauthorized resale or attempted resale is grounds for cancellation. Cards obtained through unauthorized channels will be void. Card issued by SVC Service II Inc. Visit "http://www.DunkinDonuts.com" or call 1-800-447-0013 to check the balance on the card or for customer service (please have card number ready). ©2023 DD IP Holder LLC. Treat this card like cash.
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額5 - 200
アメリカ国内のコンピュータゲーム小売店「GameStop」の店舗及びオンラインストアでご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption URL to access your reward.
ONLINE: Shop online at http://gamestop.com At checkout, input the Card Number and PIN.
IN-STORE: Provide the GameStop reward credentials to the store associate before completing the purchase. -
This gift card is redeemable only for the purchase of merchandise only in the U.S. at GameStop, ThinkGeek, EB Games, Babbage's, and Planet X stores and online at "http://gamestop.com/". Card does not expire or impose any fees. Except where required by law, it may not be returned, redeemed for cash, or applied as payment on any account, and will not be replaced if lost or stolen. Not responsible for unauthorized use. This card is not a credit card or a debit card and carries no warranties, express or implied. This card is issued by and represents solely the obligation of Marketing Control Services, Inc. (a Virginia corporation), which reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Use or acceptance of this card constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. To obtain your card balance, visit "http://www.gamestop.com/" or call 1-888-818-2915.
Purchases of gift cards never count towards promotional totals (e.g. $10 off of $30). In order to take advantage of those promotions, customers must buy merchandise. Purchases of gift cards do not accrue PowerUp Rewards Points;Only two (2) cards can be redeemed online at a time.
GameStop is a family of preferred destinations for gaming, collectibles and consumer electronics.
To find a store near you visit "http://gamestop.com/"
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額5 - 200
アメリカのフードデリバリーサービス「Grubhub」でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption URL for your gift card code.
Visit https://www.grubhub.com/ and select food.
Redeem your Gift Card at Checkout by clicking the Add gift cards and promo codes link.
Enter your Gift Card code.
Click the Apply link. -
You can use your Digital Gift Card on your takeout and delivery favorites on "https://www.grubhub.com/, or on Grubhub's iPhone®, iPad® and Android™ apps.
To redeem, enter code at checkout. You must have a valid Grubhub account.
Please safeguard this Digital Gift Card. This Digital Gift Card will not be replaced if lost or stolen. This Digital Gift Card does not expire or accrue fees. Except where required by law, this card cannot be refunded or redeemed for cash. This Digital Gift Card is subject to all state and federal laws and regulations, which may change from time to time. Use of this Digital Gift Card constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions as well as those found at "https://grubhub.semi.cashstar.com/". To check your Digital Gift Card balance, go to "https://www.grubhub.com/ or call 555-321-9876.
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額25 - 200
アメリカの配車サービス「Lyft」でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Open the Lyft app.
Tap the menu icon in the top left corner.
Tap the Payment tab.
Tap Gift card and follow the instructions in the app. -
This gift card (“GC”) is redeemable only for eligible goods and services via the Lyft platform (“Lyft App”). The entire value will be credited to your Lyft account upon redemption in the Lyft App. Except where required by law, this GC is not reloadable, not redeemable for cash, not refundable, and cannot be resold. Safeguard the GC, it will not be replaced if lost, stolen, or misused. Lyft, Inc. is the GC issuer. Issuer duties may be delegated without recourse. For complete terms and conditions see https://lyft.com/terms/lyft-cash (“Terms”). Purchase, use, or acceptance of this GC constitutes acceptance of the Terms, including terms regarding dispute resolution. Alternative payment method required to use the Lyft App. No expiration date or service fees. Subject to Lyft Terms of Service available at https://lyft.com/terms.
©2020 Lyft, Inc.
LYFT and LYFT & Design are trademarks owned by Lyft, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reward Link Preferred
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額0.01 - 300
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたURL(QRコード)にアクセスします。
ページ上でリストからお好きな小売店のギフト券を選び、金額を振り分けてギフト券に交換できます。 - 注意事項
- Reward Linkには有効期限はありませんが、小売店のギフトカードに交換後は、交換先ごとの有効期限がある場合があります。
詳細な利用規約は https://www.tangocard.com/terms-of-service を御覧ください。
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額10 - 200
アメリカのゲームエンジン「Roblox」でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Go to http://www.roblox.com/redeem from your browser.
Log in or create an account.
Find your card number and enter it on the website.
Spend your credit on Robux and more! -
By purchasing, accepting or redeeming this card, you (or your parent or guardian if you are under 18 years old) agree to these terms and conditions and the Roblox Terms of Use (available at "https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004647846-Roblox-Terms-of-Use"), which are both subject to change. This card may only be redeemed at "http://www.roblox.com" for Roblox credits, which may only be used to purchase Robux or a Roblox Premium Subscription (availability and pricing are subject to change — see "https://www.roblox.com/upgrades/robux"). This card is not refundable or redeemable for cash, except as required by law. To redeem this card and use Roblox credits, you must have Internet access and register for a Roblox account. Resale is prohibited. Roblox is not responsible if this card is used without your permission or if it is lost, stolen or damaged. This card is issued by and represents an obligation solely of Roblox Prepaid Company, LLC. For the complete terms and conditions including the arbitration agreement and class action waiver, please visit "http://www.roblox.com/giftcardterms".
Sephora eGift Card
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額5 - 200
アメリカ国内のコスメショップ「Sephora」の店舗及びオンラインストアでのお買い物にご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption URL and print the resulting page.
Sephora gift cards are valid for use in store or online at https://www.sephora.com -
Purchase, use or acceptance of this eGift Card constitutes acceptance of the following terms: eGift Cards are redeemable only for merchandise sold in U.S. Sephora stores, on Sephora.com for U.S. orders only, through the U.S. Sephora App, or at Sephora inside JCPenney stores. eGift Cards are not redeemable or exchangeable for cash (except as required by law). This eGift Card does not expire and is valid until redeemed, and no fees will be charged against the unused balance. You may not add value to an eGift Card. The value of this eGift Card will not be replaced if the card is lost, stolen, altered or destroyed. Treat this card as cash. If your purchase exceeds the unused balance of the eGift Card, you must pay the excess at the time of purchase. If your purchase is less than the balance of the card, the difference will be available to you for future redemption. This eGift Card is issued by LGCS Inc., a Florida corporation, which is the sole legal obligor to the cardholder. Neither Sephora USA, Inc. nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates other than LGCS Inc. shall be liable to the cardholder with respect to the card. You may purchase an eGift Card for your own use or as a gift for another person. All sales of eGift Cards are non-refundable and final. For complete terms and conditions (including arbitration agreement and class action waiver), which are subject to change, please visit "https://www.sephora.com/giftcards" For Sephora store locations, to order, or for card balance, please visit "https://Sephora.com" or call 1-888- 860-7897. © 2020 LGCS Inc. All rights reserved.
Starbucks US
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額5 - 300
A Starbucks Card can bring a little goodness into everyone's day. Whether you want to cheer up a friend who loves her morning mocha. Or reward yourself with your favorite flavored iced tea. The Starbucks Card is a great way for you or a loved one to enjoy a slice of happiness. Redeem it at thousands of Starbucks locations. Register the Card to earn free drinks or food and other great rewards. Reload it whenever you need to.
- 受取方法
- Please access the redemption site from the URL on your receipt to complete the redemption process. Some services require PIN or other codes on your receipt.
The Starbucks word mark and the Starbucks Logo are trademarks of Starbucks Corporation. Starbucks is also the owner of the Copyrights in the Starbucks Logo and the Starbucks Card designs. All rights reserved. Starbucks is not a participating partner or sponsor in this offer.
Target USA eGift Voucher
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額1 - 200
- 受取方法
- To redeem your Target eGiftCard at a Target store in the U.S.:
1. Using your web-enabled mobile device, click on the Redemption URL.
2. At check out, a Target team member will scan the Target eGiftCard barcode and Enter Access Number.
To redeem your Target eGiftCard on www.Target.com:
1. Click on the Redemption URL provided.
2. Visit [https://www.target.com/] on your computer or mobile device.
3. Enter your Target eGiftCard number and Access Number when checking out.
To save to your Target.com account:
1. Click on the Redemption URL provided.
2. Visit [https://www.target.com/] on your computer or mobile device.
3. Sign into your account and add this gift card.
4. Pay in the store when you're signed into [https://www.target.com/] on your mobile device. - 注意事項
- Target and the Bullseye Design are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to gift cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer.
This Gift Card can be redeemed for merchandise or services (other than gift cards and prepaid cards) at Target stores in the U.S. or "https://target.com/", and cannot be redeemed for cash or credit except where required by law.
No value until purchased. For balance information, visit "https://www.target.com/giftcards" or call 1-800-544-2943.
To replace the remaining value on a lost, stolen or damaged card with the original purchase receipt, 1-800-544-2943. © 2020 Target Brands, Inc.
The Home Depot®
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額1 - 200
アメリカ国内の「The Home Depot®」の店舗及びオンラインストアでご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Open your eGift Card on your smartphone or print the page.
Present your barcode at checkout and enter the PIN. You may redeem your eGift Card at any The Home Depot store in the U.S.
Shop online at [http://homedepot.com]
At checkout, enter the eGift Card number and PIN above. - 注意事項
- *This company is not affiliated with The Home Depot®. The Home Depot® is not a sponsor of this program. The Home Depot® is a registered trademark of Home Depot Product Authority, LLC.
Treat this Gift Card like cash. Valid for purchase of merchandise or services at The Home Depot® stores in the U.S. at "http://homedepot.com/" Reload value at our U.S. stores or at "http://www.homedepot.com/GiftCards" Not redeemable for cash unless required by law. If Gift Card is lost or stolen, present proof of purchase at any store and we will issue a replacement with the value of the Gift Card when it was reported lost or stolen (Gift Cards purchased with cash will not be replaced unless required by law). Gift Card issued by Home Depot Incentives, Inc.
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額15 - 200
アメリカのライブストリーミングプラットフォーム「Twitch」でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Visit http://twitch.tv/redeem and enter the gift code.
Note: You must have a valid Twitch account to use this card. -
Use of this gift card constitutes acceptance of the following terms and conditions: This card may be redeemed only on "http://twitch.tv/", only by persons age 13 and up, and only for goods and services offered by Twitch or for goods sold on"http://twitch.tv/" or its applications. This card cannot be returned, refunded, resold or redeemed for cash, except where required by applicable law. This card cannot be used to buy other gift cards. This card is not redeemable for non-U.S. residents. This card and the value underlying this card do not expire. This card is non-reloadable. There are no fees associated with this card.
Treat this gift card like cash. Twitch is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed or misplaced cards, or cards used without your permission. This card is issued by Twitch Interactive, Inc. Please see additional terms and conditions, including instructions for redeeming this card, at "http://twitch.tv/legal/giftcard". For customer service, visit:"http://help.twitch.tv/".
Uber Eats
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額5 - 200
アメリカの「Uber Eats」でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Open the Account Menu and tap“Wallet”.
Tap on the“+ Add funds”button on the Uber Cash card.
Tap on the“Redeem”button next to Gift Cards.
Enter Gift Code and tap“Add”. -
By using this gift card, you accept the following terms and conditions: This card is redeemable via the Uber®️ or Uber Eats app within the U.S. in cities where Uber or Uber Eats is available. Funds do not expire. The card is non-reloadable and, except where required by law, cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, or returned. You may be required to add a secondary payment method to use this gift card with the Uber or Uber Eats app. The card is not redeemable outside the U.S. Issuer is not responsible for lost or stolen cards, or unauthorized use. This card is issued by The Bancorp Bank, N.A. For full terms and conditions and customer service, visit "http://uber.com/legal/gift"
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額5 - 200
- 受取方法
- Open the Account Menu and tap “Wallet”
Tap on the "+ Add funds" button on the Uber Cash card
Tap on the "Redeem" button next to Gift Cards
Enter Gift Code and tap "Add" - 注意事項
- Uberアプリのドル口座に入金されます。他通貨での決済にはご使用になれませんので、ご注意ください。
By using this gift card, you accept the following terms and conditions: This card is redeemable via the Uber®️ or Uber Eats app within the U.S. in cities where Uber or Uber Eats is available. Funds do not expire. The card is non-reloadable and, except where required by law, cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, or returned. You may be required to add a secondary payment method to use this gift card with the Uber or Uber Eats app. The card is not redeemable outside the U.S. Issuer is not responsible for lost or stolen cards, or unauthorized use. This card is issued by The Bancorp Bank, N.A. For full terms and conditions and customer service, visit "uber.com/legal/gift.
- 通貨CNY
- 交換可能金額50 - 1000
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたコードをCtripのサイト上で入力することでアカウントにクーポンが追加されます。
Ctrip, Ctrip.com and Ctrip.com logo are registered trademarks of Ctrip.com International, Ltd. and their respective companies.
- 通貨CNY
- 交換可能金額1 - 500
WeChat Payアカウントにチャージして電子マネーとしてお使いいただけます。
※WeChat Payの受け取りには居民身分証、又は中国の銀行口座をお持ちである必要があります。
- 受取方法
- WeChatアプリでQRコードを読み取ります。
氏名・パスポート番号・Eメールアドレスを入力し、メールアドレスに届いたConfirmation Codeによる認証が完了すると、お客様のWeChat Payの口座に入金されます。
WeChatの詳しい受け取り方法はこちらをご確認ください。 - 注意事項
- 受け取り前にWeChat Payのアカウントを開設と実名認証が済んでいることが必要です。
Terms and Conditions for WeChat
- 通貨KRW
- 交換可能金額1000 - 90000
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたPINコードをサイト上で入力することで、受取りが可能です。 カルチャーギフトバウチャーの詳しい情報はカルチャーギフトのホームページとカスタマーセンターでご覧いただけます。 - カルチャーギフト券のご利用案内 : https://www.culturegift.co.kr/giftcard/online/#onlineUse - カルチャーギフト券の交換(NAVER Payなど) : https://www.culturegift.co.kr/conversion - カルチャーギフトeクーポン : https://www.culturegift.co.kr/ecoupon
- 通貨KRW
- 交換可能金額1000 - 36000
- 受取方法
- TMONのアプリまたはWebサイトにログインして、マイページのクーポン登録画面でレシートに印字されたPINコードを入力することで、アカウントにクーポンが追加されます。
- 注意事項
- レシートに印字されたコードには有効期限があります。
TMON CASHはアカウントに登録してから1年間有効です。 -
TicketMonster is not a sponsor of this promotion/program.
TicketMonster logo are registered trademarks of TicketMonster, Inc. and their respective companies.
- 通貨KRW
- 交換可能金額1000 - 90000
※交通カードチャージ決済アプリDaem Daem の登録が必要です。
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたPINコードを韓国の「Daem Daem」アプリを使うことで、T-COINをT-moneyにチャージできます。
- 注意事項
- ・交通カードチャージ決済アプリDaem Daem の登録が必要です。
Reward Link Canada
- 通貨CAD
- 交換可能金額0.05 - 400
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたURL(QRコード)にアクセスします。
ページ上でリストからお好きな小売店のギフト券を選び、金額を振り分けてギフト券に交換できます。 - 注意事項
- Reward Linkには有効期限はありませんが、小売店のギフトカードに交換後は、交換先ごとの有効期限がある場合があります。
詳細な利用規約は https://www.tangocard.com/terms-of-service を御覧ください。
Sephora Canada
- 通貨CAD
- 交換可能金額10 - 250
カナダ国内のコスメショップ「Sephora」の店舗及びオンラインストアでのお買い物にご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption URL and enter Security Code to access redemption instructions on the landing page.
Card has no value until activated. Redeemable only for merchandise sold at Sephora store locations in Canada and the U.S., on Sephora.ca and on Sephora.com. Not refundable or redeemable for cash except as required by law. Card value will not be replaced if card is lost, stolen, altered, destroyed or used without authorization. Card does not expire. Merchandise purchased with card is subject to Sephora return policy. Card is issued by Sephora Beauty Canada, Inc., which is the sole legal obligor to the cardholder. For store locations, orders, or card balance inquiries, please visit "www.sephora.ca" or call1-888-860-7897. © 2020 Sephora Beauty Canada, Inc. All rights reserved.
To protect yourself against gift card scams and fraud, please visit: "https://www.sephora.com/ca/en/beauty/gift-card-scam-awareness?country_switch=ca&lang=en"
TJX Canada
- 通貨CAD
- 交換可能金額5 - 250
カナダ国内の「WINNERS, HomeSense, Marshalls store」の各店舗でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption Link provided.
The resulting landing page will contain E-Gift Card Number and Security Code (PIN).
Print the E-Gift Card landing page and present the printed E-Gift Card at any WINNERS, HomeSense, or Marshalls store in Canada. -
Use of this gift card constitutes acceptance of the following terms and conditions. The card balance can be redeemed for merchandise only, at any Winners, HomeSense, or Marshalls store in Canada, cannot be redeemed for cash unless required by law, and cannot be used to pay a credit account. Items purchased with this gift card are subject to applicable store return policy. The value of this card will not be replaced if lost, stolen or used without permission. This card is issued by TJX Canada.
TERMS OF USE: Gift Cards are not refundable. Cards must be present when being used for payment. Further terms & conditions apply, please visit "http://www.buyatab.com/gcp/view/documentation/terms.html". Customer Support: tel:1-877-701-4550 or mailto:tjx@buyatab.com Reference number: 5142645
Ultimate Dining Card
- 通貨CAD
- 交換可能金額10 - 250
カナダ国内の「Swiss Chalet, Harvey's, Montana’s, Kelseys, East Side Mario's, New York Fries」をはじめとする多くのレストランでご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption Link provided.
The resulting landing page will contain E-Gift Card code as well as instructions for redeeming your card at participating restaurants. -
Use of this card constitutes acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Treat this card as cash. The card may only be used to purchase food and beverages at any participating restaurants. The Ultimate Dining Gift Card can be redeemed at restaurants that are authorized to accept the Ultimate Dining Card, as updated from time to time. These restaurants may be different from those listed on the card and the most current list is available at "http://www.theultimatediningcard.ca". This card cannot be refunded or redeemed for cash, except where required by law. This card is only redeemable in Canada. The purchase amount will be deducted from the unused balance remaining on the card, with any excess purchase price payable at the time of purchase. Terms and conditions may be changed at any time, without notice. If the card is lost, stolen, or used without authorization, it cannot be replaced (unless it's been registered for balance protection at "http://www.theultimatediningcard.ca"). For balance information and updated terms and conditions visit "http://www.theultimatediningcard.ca". Issued by Recipe Unlimited Corporation and its affiliates.
Walmart Canada
- 通貨CAD
- 交換可能金額5 - 250
カナダ国内のスーパーマーケット「Walmart Canada」の店舗及びオンラインストアでのお買い物にご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption Link provided.
The resulting landing page will contain your E-Gift Card information.
Save or print the E-Gift Card landing page.
Present the printed E-Gift Card at any Walmart Canada store or use online at https://www.walmart.ca/en
Please Note: This E-gift Card can only be redeemed in whole dollar amounts. - 注意事項
- *Walmart is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
]Walmart Canada Gift Cards are issued by Wal-Mart Canada Corp. Balance inquiries: 1-888-537-5503. Card only valid for purchases at Walmart retail stores in Canada (excludes licensees). Cannot be returned or redeemed for cash, unless required by law. With receipt, Walmart will issue a replacement card with any balance remaining on the lost or stolen card at the time of replacement. Card balance cannot be applied towards credit card balances. Returns of merchandise purchased with card will be credited to card only. Walmart reserves the right to cancel card if obtained illegally (including through fraud)
For full gift card terms and conditions, visit "https://www.walmart.ca/cp/browse/gifts-holidays/gifts/gift-cards/6000188914393-6000197172377-6000197915574"
Please Note: This E-gift Card can only be redeemed in whole dollar amounts.
- 通貨GBP
- 交換可能金額0.01 - 150
イギリス国内のスーパー「ALDI UK」の店舗でのお買い物にご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the redemption link to view card details.
If any item purchased with an ALDI Digital Gift Card is subsequently refunded or exchanged for an item of a lower value, ALDI will refund any money owed to you in cash. ALDI Digital Gift Cards: (a) cannot be exchanged for cash, change, vouchers or alternative gift cards (b) cannot be returned or refunded, except in accordance with your legal rights; and (c) are not a cheque guarantee, credit or charge card. ALDI Digital Gift Cards cannot be used for the purchase of: (a) ALDI or third party gift cards; (b) lottery tickets, scratchcards or related material; or (c) anything through ALDI's website(s).
ALDI reserves the right to refuse to accept an ALDI Digital Gift Card which ALDI believes has been duplicated or which ALDI otherwise suspects to be connected with criminal, fraudulent or malicious activity.
- 通貨GBP
- 交換可能金額1 - 150
イギリス国内のスーパー「ASDA」の店舗及びオンラインストアでのお買い物にご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption URL to access your reward.
For full terms and conditions please visit: "https://cards.asda.com/conditions-of-use"
Boots UK
- 通貨GBP
- 交換可能金額1 - 150
イギリス国内のドラッグストアチェーン「Boots」のオンラインストアでのお買い物にご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the redemption link to view card details.
Number of cards per redemption (Online):
You can use up to five gift cards in any one transaction, up to the value of £500 within a 24 hour period. -
For Terms and Conditions, please visit: "https://boots-biz.cashstar.com/terms-conditions/"
Exclusions include mobile top-up, purchase of another gift card, prescriptions, CEWE photo stations in-store or bootsphoto.com, Boots Kitchen Appliances, Boots Opticians and Boots Hearingcare.
Google Play UK
- 通貨GBP
- 交換可能金額1 - 150
イギリス版のGoogle Playでご利用頂けるギフトコードです。
- 受取方法
- 1. Go to the link provided to access your eGift Card.
2. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Play Store app. Tap the menu icon and select Redeem.
3. On your laptop, go to http://play.google.com/redeem
4. Enter gift code
5. Start shopping! Your gift code value will be added to your Google Play balance. -
See "http://play.google.com/uk-card-terms" for privacy policy and full terms. Gift Card is issued by Google Commerce Limited. Valid for UK residents age 13+. Requires Google Payments account and internet access. Can only be used for purchases of Google Play credits. Usable for eligible items on Google Play only. Not usable for hardware and certain subscriptions. Other Limits may apply. No fees or expiration apply to card. Unless required by law, card is not redeemable for cash or other cards; not reloadable; cannot be combined with other non-Google Play balances in your Google Payments account, resold, exchanged or transferred for value. User responsible for loss of card.For help or to view Google Play card balance, visit "http://www.support.google.com/googleplay/go/cardhelp"
- 通貨GBP
- 交換可能金額1 - 150
イギリス国内の主に自転車関連商品を扱う「Halfords」の店舗でご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption URL for your egift card.
Present to the cashier upon payment and the egift will be used as a tender type. You can use an e-gift card as part or full payment and in conjunction with another payment method such as a debit or credit card or another e-gift card or cash, in any Halfords store.
The remaining funds on the e-gift card will remain available for redemption until the e-gift card expires. -
The minimum load value is pound;1, and the maximum load value is pound;1,000.
You can check your e-gift card balance online at Halfords.com or "https://giftcard.halfords.com/" alternatively, you can check your e-gift card balance in store at any Halfords store.
You cannot top-up an e-gift card, but you can purchase another one.
You can use an e-gift card as part or full payment and in conjunction with another payment method such as a debit or credit card or another e-gift card or cash, in any Halfords store.
The remaining funds on the e-gift card will remain available for redemption until the e-gift card expires.
The e-gift card is valid for 24 months after date of purchase.
Lost or stolen e-gift cards cannot be replaced.
E-gift cards are redeemable in any Halfords retail store but are not redeemable online or at Halfords Autocentres
All refunds are made in the payment method, or combinations of payment methods used for the transaction.
- 通貨GBP
- 交換可能金額0.5 - 150
イギリス国内のスーパーマーケット「Tesco」の店舗でのお買い物にご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access the Redemption URL to access your reward.
You can spend your Tesco Digital Gift Card at any Tesco store. Simply click the link, print it out and present at the till.
You can check your available balance at any Tesco store or by calling 03450 757 757. The available balance is also shown on your till receipt. Unfortunately balances can no longer be checked online.
Note: Tesco e-Gift Card can be used At any Tesco store in the UK. Tesco e-Gift Cards CANNOT be used for online purchases or in the ROI. -
Treat this digital gift card like cash, lost or stolen digital gift cards cannot be replaced. Redeem at any UK Tesco store. Excludes purchases from Tesco Petrol Stations. You can check your available balance at any Tesco store or by calling 03450 757 757. Digital gift cards cannot be exchanged for cash or credit. The digital gift card and balance will expire five years from purchase or last digital gift card use. Damaged, altered or cancelled digital gift cards will not be accepted.
Note: Tesco e-Gift Card can be used At any Tesco store in the UK. Tesco e-Gift Cards CANNOT be used for online purchases or in the ROI.
Uber UK
- 通貨GBP
- 交換可能金額15 - 150
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたギフトコードをUberアプリに入力することでアカウントに残高が追加されます。
- 注意事項
- UberアプリのGBP口座に入金されます。他通貨での決済にはご使用になれませんので、ご注意ください。
Uber is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by Uber and/or its affiliates. Please visit Uber's website for additional terms and conditions
United MileagePlus
- 通貨USD
- 交換可能金額1 - 150
- 受取方法
- 1. レシートに印字される QR コードを読み取ります。
2. 「マイレージプラス(MileagePlus)」の会員番号、氏名、メールアドレスを入力します。
3. OKを押します。
4. 完了です。48時間以内にご登録のアカウントに内容が反映されます。
Guardian Singapore
- 通貨SGD
- 交換可能金額1 - 250
シンガポール国内のドラッグストア「Guardian」の店舗でのお買い物にご利用頂ける ギフトカードです。
- 受取方法
- Access on the Redemption URL to view your reward.
Please present the voucher page on your mobile device to the cashier at the time of redemption. No printouts or screenshots will be accepted. The dark mode on the phone has to be switched off. -
This voucher is valid only within Singapore (excluding airport stores) and its value is equivalent to the Singapore currency.
This voucher will expire at the DDMMYY as indicated.
No extension upon expiry. The expiry date is final.
Not refundable and cannot be replaced if lost, stolen or damaged.
Not refundable or exchangeable for cash, and any unused balance will not be refunded.
Not valid for purchase of all lottery products, bill payments, top-up services, Dairy Farm gift vouchers and Qoo10 online shopping payment.
This voucher must be fully utilised in a single transaction and any unconsumed value will be forfeited and is not refundable.
Cold Storage Singapore (1983) Pte Ltd reserves the right to refuse or suspend the redemption of vouchers upon unsuccessful validation at the Points of Sales.
Cold Storage Singapore (1983) Pte Ltd reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice.
Consumer advisory – Cold Storage Singapore (1983) Pte Ltd, the holder of the gift Voucher does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.
Reward Link Singapore
- 通貨SGD
- 交換可能金額5 - 400
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたURL(QRコード)にアクセスします。
ページ上でリストからお好きな小売店のギフト券を選び、金額を振り分けてギフト券に交換できます。 - 注意事項
- Reward Linkには有効期限はありませんが、小売店のギフトカードに交換後は、交換先ごとの有効期限がある場合があります。
詳細な利用規約は https://www.tangocard.com/terms-of-service を御覧ください。
Krispy Kreme eGift
- 通貨PHP
- 交換可能金額50 - 13730
The Krispy Kreme gift card can be used to purchase delicious donuts, coffee, or any other food and drink from any Krispy Kreme location.
- 受取方法
- Please access the redemption site from the URL on your receipt to complete the redemption process. Some services require PIN or other codes on your receipt.
Max's eGift
- 通貨PHP
- 交換可能金額50 - 13730
The Max's eGift can be used to purchase delicious authentic Philippino food at Max's restaurants throughout the Philippines.
- 受取方法
- Please access the redemption site from the URL on your receipt to complete the redemption process. Some services require PIN or other codes on your receipt.
Mesa Filipino Moderne eGift
- 通貨PHP
- 交換可能金額50 - 13730
Home to the famous crispchon, Mesa is truly the go to for those who crave the best in authentic Filipino cuisine. Offering all time favorites like kare kare, beef bulalo kaderete, and sisig. Mesa is a great place to spend your eGift card.
- 受取方法
- Please access the redemption site from the URL on your receipt to complete the redemption process. Some services require PIN or other codes on your receipt.
Rustan's Department Store eGift
- 通貨PHP
- 交換可能金額50 - 13730
Rustan's is synonymous with Retailing in the Philippines. With nearly seven decades of operations, Rustans is one of the premiere destinations for shopping and spending your eGift card.
- 受取方法
- Please access the redemption site from the URL on your receipt to complete the redemption process. Some services require PIN or other codes on your receipt.
TW Rakuten Super Points
- 通貨TWD
- 交換可能金額100 - 950
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されるPINコードを、樂天で入力すると、アカウントに台湾樂天スーパーポイントが追加されます。
- 注意事項
- 日本国内の楽天市場ではお使いになれません。
Zalando / Belguim, France, Germany
- 通貨EUR
- 交換可能金額5 - 250
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたURL(QRコード)にアクセスするとZalando gift voucherのコードが表示されます。
コードをZalandoにログインして追加することで、お客様の口座に残高が追加されます。 -
Zalando is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by Zalando company and/or its affiliates. Please visit Zalando's website for additional terms and conditions.
Zalando / Denmark
- 通貨DKK
- 交換可能金額38 - 1800
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたURL(QRコード)にアクセスするとZalando gift voucherのコードが表示されます。
コードをZalandoにログインして追加することで、お客様の口座に残高が追加されます。 -
Zalando is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by Zalando company and/or its affiliates. Please visit Zalando's website for additional terms and conditions.
Reward Link Australia
- 通貨AUD
- 交換可能金額0.05 - 400
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたURL(QRコード)にアクセスします。
ページ上でリストからお好きな小売店のギフト券を選び、金額を振り分けてギフト券に交換できます。 - 注意事項
- Reward Linkには有効期限はありませんが、小売店のギフトカードに交換後は、交換先ごとの有効期限がある場合があります。
詳細な利用規約は https://www.tangocard.com/terms-of-service を御覧ください。
Croma E-Gift Card
- 通貨INR
- 交換可能金額500 - 2500
- 受取方法
- レシートにURL(QRコード)とPINコードが印字されます。
URLにアクセスしてPINコードを入力すると、Gift Card番号とPINが表示されます。
印刷して店舗で提示するか、オンラインショップで入力することでお使いいただけます。 -
Croma, Infiniti Retail Limited (IRL) is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by Croma and/or its affiliates. Please visit each Croma's website for additional terms and conditions.
Fastrack E-Gift Card
- 通貨INR
- 交換可能金額500 - 10000
- 受取方法
- レシートにURL(QRコード)とPINコードが印字されます。
URLにアクセスしてPINコードを入力すると、Gift Card番号とPINが表示されます。
印刷して店舗で提示するか、オンラインショップで入力することでお使いいただけます。 -
Fastrack is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by Fastrack and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Reward Link India
- 通貨INR
- 交換可能金額1 - 20000
- 受取方法
- レシートに印字されたURL(QRコード)にアクセスします。
ページ上でリストからお好きな小売店のギフト券を選び、金額を振り分けてギフト券に交換できます。 - 注意事項
- Reward Linkには有効期限はありませんが、小売店のギフトカードに交換後は、交換先ごとの有効期限がある場合があります。
詳細な利用規約は https://www.tangocard.com/terms-of-service を御覧ください。
UrBox Balance Link
- 通貨VND
- 交換可能金額1000 - 6,000,000
UrBox's Balance Link reward allows users to select from hundreds of brands representing the biggest, best, and most popular stores in Vietnam. Viettel, FPT, The coffee house, Tiki, and hundreds more.
- 受取方法
- 1.Scan the QR Code on the receipt.
2.Enter the 6 digit pin number in the space provided.
3. Browse, select, and redeem your UrBox Balance Link using the online catalog. - 注意事項
- The UrBox Balance Link card can carry any denomination down to 1 VND. Final redemption value will depend on available denominations in UrBox's catalog. Pocket Change is not responsible for final redemption value or redeemed value. Balance Link reward does not expire.
- 通貨-
- 交換可能金額 -
すべての子どもの命と権利を守るため、保健、栄養、水と衛生、教育、暴力や搾取からの保護、HIV/エイズ、緊急支援、 アドボカシーなどの支援活動への寄付となります。
- 受取方法
- -
- 注意事項
- 以下が寄付可能な対象となります。
紙幣:対応通貨のすべて -
世界の子どもにワクチンを 日本委員会
- 通貨-
- 交換可能金額 -
- 受取方法
- -
- 注意事項
- 以下が寄付可能な対象となります。
紙幣:対応通貨のすべて -
- 通貨-
- 交換可能金額 -
- 受取方法
- -
- 注意事項
- 以下が寄付可能な対象となります。
紙幣:対応通貨のすべて -